Products for the Industrial Sector

Shelf-stable products and ingredients that meet and surpass your standards and expectations, coupled with rigorous quality control for the consistency, reliability, and excellence you are looking for in your recipes and product lines — every single time.


Pickled Products


Mayonnaise is your secret weapon — the magic ingredient that will get you rave reviews time and time again. All of our mayonnaises at Cibona are made exclusively with Canadian-produced canola oil and farm-fresh eggs. You’re sure to be won over by our irresistible variety, each one tastier than the next!

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Pickled Products

Nothing beats the freshness and satisfying crunch of Cibona’s line of pickled products. Made with the very best ingredients, using our carefully guarded recipes. A perfect side dish that will leave them craving more.

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Cibona est synonyme de saveur, d’excellence et de croissance

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